Area archeologica di Himera Archelogic area of Himera

Archelogic area of Himera

The archelogic site Himera is the perfect spot for who loves history and to tread the streets of the ancient Greeks and better understand the structure of their cities, culture and traditions.
The greek polis of Himera was founded by the Greeks.
Its excellent natural position, where the Imera river meets the Buonfornello plain, allowed for easy and fast trade, making it a crucial and important hub of central Sicily.
Archaeologists have dated the birth of Himera in 648 BC and its end at the hands of the Carthaginians in 408 BC.

The structure of the polis is nowadays well visible and it is divided between the high part and low part, classical Hellenistic-type urban structures.
The structure of Tempio della Vittoria can still be seen, on the low part of the city.
Small neighbourhood sanctuaries stood within the settlement and the entire city was surrounded by walls.
Necropolises were located along the main exit routes.
It is also possible to visit the Antiquarium, which houses the most significant exhibits, such as vases and grave goods found in the necropolis.
The visit itinerary allows visitors to follow the historical and cultural issues of the Greek colony and its territory.