Sagra della Testa di Turco

Castelbuono – “Testa di Turco” Festival

This “Testa di Turco” (turkish head) Festival, a typical dessert from Castelbuono made by local cow’s milk cream and a special crispy dough, all dusted with cinnamon and chocolate. During this Festival, in addition to the famous dessert, you can taste free cold cuts, cheeses and sweets provided by local manufacturers.

The festival will be held in the suggestive Piazza Margherita, in the municipality of Castelbuono, province of Palermo, in December.

The event is intended to be a particularly welcome moment for the population of Madonie and the numerous tourists who will attend the event.

Rumour has it among the population that this cake was elaborated centuries ago on the occasion of the defeat of the Arabs by the Normans and that the citizens celebrated the liberation with the preparation of this typical cake.