Cefalù and “Le Vie dei tesori”

Since autumn 2021, the city of Cefalù is included in “Le vie dei tesori“. This venture, born some years ago in Palermo, allows the islanders (and others) to discover artistic and cultural beauties often forbidden.

Cefalù, in this regard, displayed the remains of the Hellenistic-Roman civilisation still visible in the archaeological site of Cefalù and the Church of the Holy Trinity at San Domenico, where the prehistoric stone extracted from the Rock of Cefalù can be admired: the promontory which it is told that has given its name to the town, because it reminds of the shape of a head (from the greek: “kephaloidion”).

The path of le vie dei tesori will bring you to the discovery of Cefalù between art, nature, churches and medieval wash houses, royal palaces, and the prestigious Mandralisca Museum, where the “Ritratto d’ignoto marinaio” (Portrait of an Unknown Sailor), known as the “Gioconda Siciliana” (Sicilian Monna Lisa) due to its enigmatic character, is kept.