Christmas time in Cefalù: not only a Summer destination

Cefalù is a very popular and overpopulated destination during the summer months, famous for its crystal-clear sea, for fun, nightlife, but during the winter it is no less enjoyable.

The Norman town offers every year a huge calendar full of events, exhibitions, concerts that will characterize the winter calendar.

Since December 8, the festival in honour of Madonna Immacolata, to January 6 Cefalù converts its summer propensity focusing on Christmas themes: illuminations through the streets, the live nativity scene, local events are the main attractions of Cefalù’s winter face.

All the most important monuments in Cefalù stay open on Christmas days to allow tourists to live a complete experience.

A must-visit will be Cefalù Duomo, the medieval wash house, the municipal theatre Salvatore Cicero and Mandralisca Museum, which collects important works by Antonello da Messina, of the Flemish school and Sicilian artists.